Del Valle's Answer to M. Murawiec
I have recently read with dismay Mr. Muraviec's article: The wacky world of French intellectuals published in April 2000 on your site (Middle East Forum) and I'd like to respond to his criticism of my positions and my work. I hope to establish here a sense of truth.
1/ By attacking me, Mr Muraviec is mistaking who his real enemy is. As early as 1997 (?), I have denounced the Islamists as well as the mistakes of American Foreign policy being too lenient towards the Saudis. 2/ Mr. Muraviec is wrong: I write my books myself under my real name and contrary to his allegation of being a French civil servant, I occupy no official function within the French Department of Defense or of any other official governmental authority. 3/ Contrary to his allegations, I am not some kind of a primitive anti-american polemist. In 1997, I have only denounced in my first book in a very forceful manner the pro-islamist CIA and Washington policy. At the time, the Europeans were supportive of the Talibans, the Algerian FIS (Front Islamique de Salut), the Saudis and the Bosniacs against the Russians and Serbs. History and the tragedy of September 11 have proven me right. American Samuel Huntington who cannot be accused of anti-American feelings and others reiterated later what I had said. 3/ In 2000, after the Kosovo war, I wrote that it was necessary to make self criticism on the Washington mistakes towards the Islamists and the Saudis. We should have also refrain from the anti-Russian attitude that agitated the cold war period. Consequently, it has led some to encourage the division of Ukraine and help the Ukrainian Christians nationalists who are ultras and antisemite. Back then, I was condemning those expressing anti-American feelings and was suggesting the promotion of a strategic alliance between the 3 western keystone states, the USA, Russia and Europe in order to form a stronger alliance in the face of Islamic threat. This is also one of the reason why I oppose Turkey to adhere to the EC. 4/ Finally, Mr. Muraviec omits to mention that since my first book written at a younger age, I have since written five additional books. Three of them including the book "Le Totalitarisme a l'assaut des démocraties" has been represented by the extreme left and right as well as Mr. Muraviec enemies as a pro-american and pro-zionist book . Additionally, since 09/11, I have written many chronicles and articles published in French right wing newspaper and the review Politique Internationale where I call to a union to be formed with the United States and in which I denounce all forms of anti-western and anti-american feelings. You'll find attached my article on The Reads, the Greens and the Browns. I believe being coherent in my political analysis and Mr. Muraviec has no right to continuously depict me as an anti American intellectual. Since 2000 and 09/11, I have constantly defended the Republicans and have denounced those in favor of the panoccidental Union. Sincerely, Alexandre Del Valle